Here’s what I am investing my love and energy in at the moment…

👉🏾 - Supporting the growth of an innovative, national peer workforce - in my predominant role as a Lived Experience Workforce Partner at Mind Australia.

🟩 - Being a National Youth Board Advisor to headspace’s (Australia’s National Youth Mental Health Foundation) Board, to help improve outcomes for young folks across our national network & with a focus on refugee and migrant-background young peoples’ experiences and communities. This includes chairing their inaugural Multicultural Practice Strategy Advisory Group.

✊🏾 - Supporting multicultural culture-oriented mental health advocates & professionals by co-chairing Solis - Culture & Mental Health - a capacity-building support network and Think Tank with the wonderful Dr. Judy Tang. This includes the development & refining of a Culture & Mental Health Toolkit; a resource list related to living, being and working in the multicultural mental health space.

📣 - Using my lived and professional experience to speak and consult on mental wellbeing, agency, self-determination, culture & identity - including in the following groups & projects:

🔬 - Two terms as a Commissioner on the National Mental Health Commission’s Independent Advisory Board & providing advice to the Federal Government on ways to continuously improve the mental health system and suicide prevention in Australia.

❤️ - Developing a stronger sense of self and working toward being just a little kinder, more compassionate & self-aware than I was yesterday. Working toward the integration of systemic contexts into practice - through a consumer, practitioner and advocate lens.

🎓 - I hold degrees in Biomedical Science, Commerce, Psychology and Social Work.

🕰 - You can also read more about my work & volunteering history here.

🖥 - This is where I mostly post Insta stories about my Mini Dachshund Milo.

✈️ - Blessed to have visited 32 countries.

Want to get in touch? I would love to hear from you :)